Dental Fundamentals

There is a renewed appreciation for dental benefits with 10 times as many US adults saying the pandemic made them value their dental benefits more than prior to the pandemic.¹ With access to comprehensive dental insurance benefits increasingly critical to one’s overall well-being, our latest report examines consumer trends around oral health care that will help employers strategically tailor benefits offerings to better address the evolving needs of their workforce.

Smiling father and son with braces taking a picture together.

The top focuses for workplace dental benefits

  • Helping employees save

    Diminishing deductibles that reward consistent dental visits, generous coverage for preventive care, and 100% network coverage for all preventive, basic, and major dental services for children.

  • Improving overall oral health

    Coverage that includes extra visits for those with medical conditions that require them and educational resources on oral health that are available via omnichannel employee communications.

  • Clarity of language

    Dental plans that are easy to understand with support materials written in “jargon-free” simple language.

Reasonable cost, oral health support, and clarity of plan coverage matter most to dental consumers

  • When it comes to dental care, consumers are cost conscious

    More than 8 in 10 consumers said diminishing deductibles are a “very likeable” dental plan feature.3 Diminishing deductibles can help both consumers and employers save money in the long run by rewarding employees with lower annual deductibles when their employer maintains a continuous relationship with an insurance carrier.

  • Parents prioritize children’s oral health above their own

    Our research shows that parents are far more likely to ensure their children receive the oral care they need than to follow recommendations from the American Dental Association (ADA) for themselves. Nearly 9 in 10 parents say their children’s oral health is more important. Improved dental coverage for employees’ dependents would help to improve access to care for children.5

  • Clear communication about dental benefits is important

    Dental benefits can only help to improve oral health if they’re understood properly. While 83% of consumers say good oral health is “important/highly important,” only 50% rate their oral health as “very good/excellent.6” Through clear communication about benefits and the importance of preventive care in supporting oral health, employers can play a key role in helping improve their workforce’s overall oral health.

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All sources are from Guardians' report, “Dental Fundamentals: In-demand benefits that support well-being.”

DentalGuard Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products are not available in all states. Policy limitations and exclusions apply. Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs.

All sources are from Guardians' report, “Dental Fundamentals: In-demand benefits that support well-being.”

DentalGuard Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products are not available in all states. Policy limitations and exclusions apply. Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs.