The Guardian Network

Strength of a Fortune
250 company

Guardian is prepared for any situation.

2 financial representatives talking to a client

Why The Guardian Network®?

Our firm’s decision to be a member of The Guardian Network® is driven by Guardian’s strength and commitment to uphold their values for employees, customers and financial representatives.

Guardian stands strong

As a mutual company, Guardian is guided by the needs of our policyholders, who have trusted us through challenging times for 160 years — through the pandemic of 1918, the Great Depression, other recessions, and Superstorm Sandy in 2012. We are built for this type of situation, and we are prepared.

Our well-diversified balance sheet, business model, and investment strategy reinforces our strength and stability in times of market turbulence and uncertainty.

Our success and our commitment to fulfill all our promises to our policyholders is the guiding force behind our decision-making processes — it’s the bedrock of who we are as a mutual company, and as a member of The Guardian Network®, you become a part of that.

Today, we are stronger than ever

Guardian has continually grown on a foundation of strength, with over $9 billion in capital1, while maintaining financial strength ratings that are among the top 1% of all insurers2,   and we were the only major life insurer upgraded during the financial crisis of 2008.

Our conservative approach to risk management, combined with a high-quality investment portfolio, has created a solid balance sheet. Our investment philosophy is equipped for a volatile market, and we are one of 6 (out of over 700) life insurance companies in the U.S. with the financial strength rating of AA+ or higher by Standard & Poor's and Fitch3. Guardian is prepared for pandemic events. We have stress tested our balance sheet against an event comparable to the1918 Spanish Flu, and mortality losses in such an event would represent about $300 million4, or 3% of our capital.

We have an agile, remote-work policy in place, and are prepared to keep operations running with little to no disruption.

We are here for you

Our clients, colleagues, and their families are counting on us. Every decision we make is founded in our values: we do the right thing, we hold ourselves to high standards, and people count.

We will navigate through any situation successfully, side by side with you and your clients.

1 Capital is the amount of money or assets owned by the Company that areavailable to invest and grow its business, produce its goods and services forits customers and maintain its operations.

2 Guardian has a 99 Comdex, which in turn makes us in the top 1% of insurers based on indexed financial strength. Comdex is not a rating, but a composite of all ratings that a company has received from the four major ratings agencies(A.M. Best, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch). Comdex represents a company’s percentile standing, on a scale of 1 to 100 (with 100 being the best),in relation to other companies that have been rated by the major agencies. Financial information concerning Guardian as of December 31, 2021, on a statutory basis: Admitted Assets = $72.1 Billion; Liabilities = $63.5 Billion (including $51.8Billion of Reserves); and Surplus = $8.6 Billion.

3 Ratings are as of 12/12/22 and are subject to change. Ratings do not apply to the investments issued by GIAC or offered through Park Avenue Securities (PAS). The Guardian Network® is a network of independent agencies offering the full suite of proprietary Guardian products along with those of other top rated carriers.  

4 Based on internal extrapolations from historical data.

Guardian®is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America®

©2023, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. All rights reserved. 
