Kelly: Welcome back to “Simply put”. I’m Kelly from Guardian, here to answer your questions about Voluntary Benefits in terms we can all understand.

Today we’re joined by Dan. Hey Dan, what’s on your mind?

VIDEO:   Dan appears in video inset next to Kelly. He’s walking on a Stair Stepper in workout clothes with earbuds dangling.

Dan: Hey Kelly! So, we’re coming up on benefits review time at work and people are talking about getting accident insurance? And I’m kind of wondering, is it worth it?

Kelly: Well, Dan, do you have kids ?

Dan: Yeah, we’ve got kids. We’ve got four. That’s why I’m in here. Little me time

Kelly: Well, simply put, having accident insurance can be a great way to cover unexpected costs—like, if your kid sprains an ankle sliding into home base. Or if you…uh… fell off your Stair Stepper there.

Dan: (Really working out hard.) It’s an elliptical. Doesn’t my health insurance already cover things like that?

VIDEO:   Cut back to Kelly who is leaning in, hiding both of his arms off camera.

Kelly: Well, you’d be surprised by what you might have to pay before health insurance kicks in…and people often are.

Say you broke your arm. Treatment could cost $2,500--so you might be responsible for $2,000 of that. Suddenly, your out-of-pocket expenses feel a lot like this…

VIDEO:   Kelly brings out an arm that is wrapped in an extraordinarily, massive thick cast. It has lots of big money symbols on it.

Kelly: But if you have accident insurance, you can receive something like $2,000 that gets paid directly to you – regardless of the treatment costs. That’s $2,000 to spend any way you choose. Suddenly, your out-of-pocket expenses feel more like this…

VIDEO:   Kelly brings out his other arm – very small little cast a smiley emoji on it.

Dan: ( Not really missing a beat) Aren’t Voluntary Benefits expensive?

VIDEO:   Kelly smiling, with both casts in the air.

Kelly: Actually, it’s cheaper than your average iced latte a day! (Reaches for his coffee drink but can’t get her hands around it and ends up pushing it around the desk.)

Dan: That sounds good. You…uh…need a hand, there Kelly?

Kelly: (Slurping the drink. Comes up with whipped cream on her face, still holding his casts up.) All set. See you next time on “Simply put.”

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Guardian’s Group Accident Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products are not available in all states. All persons mentioned herein are purely fictional and have been created solely for example purposes. Any resemblance to existing situations, persons or fictional characters is coincidental. Guardian® is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America ® ©Copyright 2023 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY.