On November 1, 2024, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) sent notices to CO PFML private plan employers regarding attestations. This post provides clarity on what this attestation means and how to complete this attestation.

This annual attestation is to ensure that Colorado employers’ private plans continue to meet the requirements of the FAMLI Act and its implementing regulations. Additionally, employers are asked to confirm their contact information. Employers can expect to do this each November.

Guardian customers may attest that their Guardian CO PFML policies do confer the same rights, protections, and benefits provided to employees under the FAMLI Act and its implementing regulations.

Employers have until November 30th to complete this attestation. This task is critical and not completing this task could result in consequences up to and including revocation of your private plan approval. Upon completion of the attestation, employers will receive a “success” message.

Below is the language of the CDLE email:

This is an official communication from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance.

This notice is to inform you that your annual private plan attestation is due.

Rule 7 CCR 1107-5 section 5.7 requires an attestation every November to validate that your contact information is accurate and that your approved private plan continues to satisfy the requirements of the FAMLI Act and its implementing regulations.

Please login to the MyFAMLI+ Employer portal by clicking here: My FAMLI+ Employer and complete the Employer Task.

Failure to comply with this rule could result in consequences up to and including revocation of your private plan approval.

We know that new processes can create confusion and we’re here to help make it clear and simple to maintain your private plan coverage with Guardian.

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