Thanks to nationwide media campaigns, smoke-free laws and price increases of tobacco products, tobacco usage rates are down in the US. However, almost a third of working Americans use tobacco products even though most want to quit. As organizations focus more on employee well-being, expanding benefits programs to include support for tobacco cessation can be important. Workers want the help, and organizations can benefit by retaining a healthier, more productive workforce and lower medical claims costs. In addition, amid the growing trend of teen vaping, parents are also seeking support on how to help their children quit.

Fifty-eight percent of those who use tobacco products say that it has a negative impact on their overall health and well-being.

Guardian’s 13th Annual Workplace Benefits Study report, Habit to Harm, explores the latest tobacco use trends, the impact on emotional, physical, and financial health, and how benefits can support those interested in quitting.

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Learn what employers can do to help.

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1 Current cigarette smoking among adults in the United States, CDC, 2023

Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from Guardian’s 13th Annual Workplace Benefits Study, 2024.

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