This archived material is for informational purposes only; the information provided was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be current.
2022 Guardian Absence Management Activity Index & Study
The pandemic ushered in new complications for leave management. Employers were faced with unexpected challenges — from handling labor shortages to navigating the ever-changing regulatory environment. Guardian’s latest Absence Management Activity Index found that while employers have shown improvement in adopting leave management best practices over the past decade, new adoption of best practices to manage workforce health and productivity have dwindled in 2021 and Index scores have remained steady.
Learn more about best practices and absence management trends by downloading our report.
9 in 10 employers
made permanent changes to their disability and/or leave policies during the pandemic.
4 in 5 employers
say the pandemic raised absence management strategy and compliance as a priority for senior management.
3 in 5 employers
created formal remote work policies during the pandemic.
Employer outsourcing of leave administration has more than doubled in the past decade.
Absence Management news and regulatory updates
Learn how to support your employees’ leaves by providing clear guidance and stay up to date with timely information on the latest leave law.
How effective is your leave program?
Evaluate your absence management program with our scorecard.
Absence academy webinar series
Hear from industry leaders about the top questions on leave management and compliance.
Unless otherwise noted, the source of all information is Guardian's Absence Management Activity Index & Study (2022).
Material discussed is meant for general informational purposes only and is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary. Therefore, the information should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice.