The digital age of employee benefits is in full swing with a bullish trend toward the fully integrated digitization of human resources technology (HR tech) ramping up over the last few years.  

Organizations are increasingly turning to technology for their HR tech as an efficient and compliant solution to manage the ever-changing world of employee benefits. The transition to digitizing benefits administration processes can offer advantages in both management efficiencies and organizational culture. 

6 in 10 employers say that to meet objectives around employee benefits, they’ll need to integrate more of their HR systems.

However, the path forward won’t be a straight line. There will be crests, troughs, and pullbacks along the way in response to shifts in worker needs and employer priorities. In this report we’ll explore the current trends and forecast the developments on the horizon that will support this evolution in benefits technology.  

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Assess your organization’s employee benefits technology solutions and see what's on the horizon for benefits technology.


Unless otherwise noted, all data is sourced from Guardian’s 13th Annual Workplace Benefits Study, 2024.

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